Saturday, July 16, 2011


Today while grocery shopping Tabby caught her finger in the bathroom door and the door completely closed. It was one of those giant heavy doors. I was able to get her to the ER quickly because we were shopping in Lebanon and the grocery is right near the hospital. It turned out the her finger was nearly severed 3/4 of the way around and the the tip was fractured.

We didn't have to wait in the ER at all, and it was probably about two hours from walking in to walking out the door! They cleaned and numbed her finger, x-rayed her hand, read the x-ray, gave her sutures, dressed it, and put on the splint! The hospital staff was amazing! I'm praising the Lord that we were so close to an ER and that her finger was not completely severed!
She experienced quite a bit of pain while they were doing the sutures, but otherwise she's been one brave little girl! To calm down she asked me to sing her favorite Sunday School songs: Jesus Loves Me, The Wise Man and the Foolish Man, Deep and Wide and This Little Light of Mine.
Today has only deepened my knowledge of what I already knew...God has given me the best little girls on the planet! I wouldn't trade them for anything!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow, poor girl. glad they were able to fix the finger. give her a hug from Beth & I.
