Saturday, June 25, 2011


The past two or three days I've been blogging a little less, but, don't worry, my keys are not lonely!
I've written the forward to a book and the beginning of the first chapter (appx 500 words.) While it's not very much to have written, I think this might be the hardest part. Trying to climb the mountain to develop the story has been so hard for me. I have a fairly original idea and the plot well developed in my head. But diving into it is so difficult. I think another difficult aspect for me will be communicating the complex nature of the relationships involved. (Time to read some Jane Austen!)
I'm excited to share this with you. I want to thank you who have been reading, it's definitely helped me to feel less embarrassed. More than that, it's made me feel accountable for my writing. Please when/if I see you in person, ask me about it. That will give me a hand as I continue on this path.
The worst that can happen is that I can write a story I enjoy and my family enjoys and I'm rejected by agents and publishers. Then, I'll be an unpublished wannabe author...which is what I am now. Nothing to lose, right?

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