Thursday, December 29, 2011

Peace in God's Word!

I simply love this verse:

"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." - Psalm 119:165

In December I'm reminded of just how much the modern American rushes through the day. Cramming in as much activity as possible. I, myself, am certainly a guilty party, especially while celebrating the holidays. However, I often wonder if this buzz is a substitution for something that is absolutely necessary! Peace
Peace is so illusive to most, but exceptionally easy to be found.
What great peace can be found in God's Word! Every question has an answer and it is found in between the covers of this ancient book.
As we look to this coming year, we're looking at twelve months of opportunity and possibility, but also sorrow, hardships, and despair. I can guarantee that there will be times in the year 2012 in which you will feel discouraged. I can guarantee you that you will cry. While we're guaranteed hardship in this world we can also be guaranteed peace!
Peace even in times of difficulty!

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